
Time Freedom

Would you like to create a DREAM lifestyle by becoming an ONLINE Entrepreneur?

"In the waves of change we find our direction."

Hello There!

G’day we are Paul & Steph. I have been self employed nearly all of my working life. I've built a number of businesses from Commercial Cleaning, Bookkeeping and Real Estate employing up to 38 staff.  

All my business have been the traditional business with high overheads... Knowing what I know now, I will never start another traditional business. 

I was diagnosed with leukaemia in early 2014 went through various treatments with chemo etc and finally overcame the big C at the end of 2015. 

What was going through my mind during this difficult period of my life was, WHAT can I do different now, that can sustain my family because I knew that the long hours and NO time off was primarily the cause to my illness? 

I wasn't sure whether I could still work my traditional business doing the hours I was doing! Security was a big thing in my mind as I was brought up believing I was the provider and had to work hard at ALL COSTS...

Been self employed nearly all of my working life. I've built a number of businesses from Commercial Cleaning, Bookkeeping and Real Estate employing up to 38 staff.

Life is TOO Short to Waste it! Join me as we Talk More About entrepreneurship, lifestyle, opportunities, adventures, And Personal Development In My Blog!

We'll help you TRANSFORM your social media into a professional brand that personally fits you and then we'll show you how it can make you an income!

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