Our Favorites

We’ve tried and tested many products. Some were great, some… not so much.

To help you in your travel & camping, these recommendations are ones that we stamp our personal approval on.

We personally use these items today! Please note: Some of the items below have my affiliate link attached and we may earn a small commission, no extra charge to you, of course.

We share these items on this page, not because we make a small commission when you purchase them, but because we use these when we travel and think they are great!

Eco Traveller

Travel and stay, the eco way - Specifically designed to deodorize and safely maintain holding tanks throughout portable toilets and caravan port-a-loos

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Love spending time outdoors but hate coming home to a sandy, dirty, mukky mess? We have the ultimate solution for you adventure-lovers! Whether you’re an avid camper, regular caravanner, or keen beachgoer, our muk mat is specifically designed to thoroughly clean your feet so you can always return to a satisfyingly clean car, tent, caravan and home.

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