Want a better Lifestyle?

G’day we are Paul & Steph. I have been self employed nearly all of my working life. I've built a number of businesses from Commercial Cleaning, Bookkeeping and Real Estate employing up to 38 staff.

All my business have been the traditional business with high overheads... Knowing what I know now, I will never start another traditional business. 

I was diagnosed with leukaemia in early 2014 went through various treatments with chemo etc and finally overcame the big C at the end of 2015.

What was going through my mind during this difficult period of my life was, WHAT can I do different now, that can sustain my family because I knew that the long hours and NO time off was primarily the cause to my illness? 

I wasn't sure whether I could still work my traditional business doing the hours I was doing! Security was a big thing in my mind as I was brought up believing I was the provider and had to work hard at ALL COSTS.

That's why I was searching for an alternative to my traditional business! When we found this business opportunity and did our research asking the entrepreneurs questions, we could not believe how simple it is to create Time Freedom (Lifestyle).

Generating pocket money with a side hustle has NEVER been my goal. I have always wanted a business that could provide financial security and most importantly TIME!

I've put together a list that I hope helps you in checking out and comparing opportunities. It's not in any particular order and it's not a complete checklist.


Have quality products provided so you’re not having to continually search for the latest fad.
Don’t become your own best customer. In other words, don’t find yourself in a position where you have to continually buy product to retain your qualification.
If like us, you have a passion for travel, check that the business can actually be conducted from anywhere with a laptop and phone.
Have multiple income streams. If you only receive income on direct sales, you’re really only a commissioned based sales person.
Sell bigger ticket items. The process to generate a sale of $50 often requires the same effort as generating a $5000 sale.
Time Freedom… everyone’s wanting to create it. Find a global 24/7 business where you can choose a time zone desirable to you. Full time or Part Time.
Choose a business that doesn’t require you to tap into an existing network of family and friends. Customers and leads should be contacting you.
Check that your trainer and mentor will be providing their personal contact details. Are they likely to be supporting you in years to come?
Is your trainer and mentor actually a successful entrepreneur/business owner in their own right?

Training should be structured for the complete novice.
Ensure there are structured systems in place and that training and setup is provided in a logical and methodical order. You should never be left wondering what you need to do next.
Consider the tax benefits of being self employed and a business owner. For example; can travel be a legitimate tax expense in the chosen business?
Find a business with a solid track record.

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